Business Transformation & SUSTAINABILITY

Shaping the future.
Experiencing change.

Securing the future through forward-looking changes

Companies have to continuously adapt to new market conditions. External factors such as new competitors or innovative technologies can trigger the need for transformation and call established processes into question. In addition, there can be challenges such as mandatory compliance with ESG criteria. We support you in proactively shaping these changes by identifying necessary measures and accompanying you through the implementation.

Astronaut arbeitet an einer Raumstation, symbolisch für die Bedeutung von Agilität in der Business-Transformation und im Wandel der Märkte.

Our approach

Our approach includes the holistic analysis and optimization of business models, processes, value streams and organizational structures. We identify fields of action and quick wins, and combine them with comprehensive analyses of strengths, weaknesses, risks and opportunities. All results lead to actionable measures. In this way, we strengthen companies through an efficient governance and target operating model. We create sustainable competitive advantage in productivity, processes and costs through optimization.

Our expertise

PMI / Carve out management

The integration of an aquired company or the spin-off of a division requires well thought-out planning and implementation. Our approach includes structured project organization, the identification of quick wins and a comprehensive analysis of strengths, weaknesses, risks and opportunities - always taking organizational and cultural factors into account. From merging the IT infrastructure to aligning processes, structures and teams, we accompany you through every step of the process.

Performance improvement & cost efficiency

Significant increases in productivity can be achieved through continuous optimization and scaling. We support you in fully exploiting this potential. In doing so, we rely on a holistic approach that includes the analysis of your value streams, business processes and organizational structures. Together, we identify optimization potential, develop competitive strengths and translate these into tailor-made measures. In this way, we ensure that you not only make the right decisions, but also implement them efficiently. The result: sustainable competitive advantage through process and cost leadership.

Governance & target operating model

We support clients in the development and implementation of a clear governance approach that strengthens the management and control requirements as well as the management culture at headquarters. Our focus is on designing an efficient target operating model that combines central and local requirements. We analyze and optimize organizational structures and processes to ensure resilient, agile and transparent corporate governance.

Sustainability / ESG

Sustainability is now a top priority fororganizations, driven by the pressure of new regulations (e.g., CSRD and EUtaxonomy), interest groups and consumer demand. We’re highly committed to helping our clients overcome this challenge and become true sustainable leaders in an increasingly environmentally conscious world. Our solution offering includes  developing tailored sustainability strategies and embedding them into steering processes, providing functional and operational support for CSRD reporting, and fostering asustainable corporate culture – because sustainability is more than just a trend: it’s a responsibility that affects us all!

PMI / Carve out management

The integration of an aquired company or the spin-off of a division requires well thought-out planning and implementation. Our approach includes structured project organization, the identification of quick wins and a comprehensive analysis of strengths, weaknesses, risks and opportunities - always taking organizational and cultural factors into account. From merging the IT infrastructure to aligning processes, structures and teams, we accompany you through every step of the process.

Performance improvement & cost efficiency

Significant increases in productivity can be achieved through continuous optimization and scaling. We support you in fully exploiting this potential. In doing so, we rely on a holistic approach that includes the analysis of your value streams, business processes and organizational structures. Together, we identify optimization potential, develop competitive strengths and translate these into tailor-made measures. In this way, we ensure that you not only make the right decisions, but also implement them efficiently. The result: sustainable competitive advantage through process and cost leadership.

Governance & target operating model

We support clients in the development and implementation of a clear governance approach that strengthens the management and control requirements as well as the management culture at headquarters. Our focus is on designing an efficient target operating model that combines central and local requirements. We analyze and optimize organizational structures and processes to ensure resilient, agile and transparent corporate governance.

Our experts

Jan Sodies

Managing Partner

+49 151 46620980

Marvin Aepfelbach

Associate Partner

+49 151 46621479

Discover our success stories

Segmentorganisation im Rahmen der S/4HANA Cloud

Nach einer Phase des beschleunigten Wachstum befindet sich CustomCells inmitten der Scale-up Phase. Die Ausweitung der Geschäftstätigkeiten & Schärfung des Leistungsportfolios erfordert die divisionale Segmentierung der Geschäftsmodelle und die Etablierung einer Matrixorganisation.

Dies hat zur Folge, dass sowohl der Führungs- & Steuerungsanspruch, als auch das Target Operating Model auf die organisatorische Neuausrichtung adjustiert werden müssen.

Konzeption skalierbarer Kernprozesse mit S/4HANA ERP

Zur Unterstützung der rasanten Wachstumsstrategie von Cellforce sowie der Ausrichtung auf eine serienreife Zellproduktion lag der Fokus auf der Konzeption und Umsetzung skalierbarer, integrierter Kern-Geschäftsprozesse.  Im Rahmen der von Cellforce verfolgten IT Strategie einer „data-driven Company“ und dem Ziel einer immer aktuellen und wartungsarmen IT Cloud Architektur sollte die SAP S/4HANA (Public) Cloud als zentrales ERP System eingeführt werden.

Global standardization and harmonization of operational controlling

To increase transparency, efficiency, and in streamlining each business function to increase MAHLE’s competitiveness in the market, a global S/4HANA program MORE "MAHLE optimized real-time enterprise" was initiated.

As part of MORE, a global controlling business concept was designed and realized for a best-in-class operational performance management.

Start in eine finanzielle Steuerung

Bei einer breiten Produktpalette, fehlte bislang die nötige Transparenz hinsichtlich der Marge einzelner Produkte. Eine umfassende Deckungsbeitragsrechnung für das gesamte Unternehmen existierte nicht, was die wirtschaftliche Steuerung und die Verhandlungsfähigkeit mit Großkunden im Einzelhandel einschränkte.

Ziel war es, ein neues Berichtswesen zu entwickeln, welches mittelfristig durch Planungs- und Simulationsinstrumente ergänzt wird.

S/4HANA Business Readiness Exploration

Henkel stand vor der Herausforderung, die Umstellung auf S/4HANA zu meistern, um ihre Finanzprozesse zu modernisieren und effizienter zu gestalten. In einer konzentrierten Workshopreihe mit Vertretern aller Finanzdisziplinen wurden die spezifischen fachlichen Potenziale von S/4HANA für Henkel identifiziert, um die Grundlage für eine erfolgreiche Transformation zu schaffen.

Aufbau und Weiterentwicklung eines integrierten Finanzdatenmodells für Konzern- & Einzelabschluss

Als Teil der übergreifenden Finanzstrategie der Volkswagen Group wurden konzernweit einheitliche Datenmodellstandards für Kontenplan, Ergebnisrechnung und Reportingdimensionen aufgebaut.

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